Social economy, human commitment, transparency and medical devices for everyone: where does it come from and what does it mean for ORTHOPUS? Let’s explore this topic! Why is ORTHOPUS taking part in the social economy ? Our main purpose is to bring solutions to the people living with a disability....
ORTHOPUS Supporter’s beta-test : tops and flops
Between December 2022 and spring 2023 we have conducted a beta test to test out our first device: the ORTHOPUS Supporter. 5 participants, between 14 and 35 years old, tested our robotic assistant at home. Our objective was to gather feedback about its usability in order to improve it for...
Getting a technical aid for the arm : advice from an occupational therapist
Steffi Pan, independent occupational therapist, shares her experience of the equipment with technical aids for the arms. What is the occupational therapist's and medical team’s role? What are the tips to be equipped in the best way possible? What role do you play in the equipment of a patient with...