Our articles on disability and technology, assistive devices dedicated to arm mobility, the development of ORTHOPUS, and our vision of inclusive healthcare.
Our articles on disability and technology, assistive devices dedicated to arm mobility, the development of ORTHOPUS, and our vision of inclusive healthcare.


Technology & physical disability

Para Sports and Assistive Technologies: A Perfect Match

Boccia, wheelchair basketball, para-canoe, para-karate, deaf badminton: more than 40 sports are featured in the Summer and Winter Paralympic Games. Since the 1970s, the number of participants in disability sports federations has increased fifteenfold. At the same time, technologies for disabilities have advanced significantly. How is the enthusiasm for disability sports connected to innovations in assistive technologies? What are the broader impacts of disability sports on inclusion?

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Aides techniques à la mobilité des bras

Behind the scenes of developing the ORTHOPUS Partner

Today, we are opening the doors to the behind-the-scenes of developing the ORTHOPUS Partner, our upcoming medical device! We are revealing everything about what we still need to do, our co-design work with alpha tests, the design we aimed to achieve, and the accessories we still need to finalize…   Designed to offer greater autonomy to people living with muscle

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Technology & physical disability

Artifical intelligence and disability: for better or worse?

Disability and technology share a common history, as the specific needs of disabled people have often driven innovation. Text messaging, remote controls, voice assistants, and even synthesizers were initially invented for individuals with limited mobility. Today, the rise of artificial intelligence opens up a new realm of possibilities in assistive technology. But for disability, does this mean better accessibility or

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Assistive devices for arm mobility

Assistive tech for arms: perspectives & propositions by Yara Peterko

Yara Peterko is a passionate occupational therapist known for her significant contributions to healthcare and rehabilitation. With a Master’s degree in Health Assisting Engineering, her expertise bridges the gap between technology and patient care. As Vice President of COTEC, she advocates for innovation in occupational therapy across Europe. Yara’s responsibility with Physiopedia, for the areas of professionalisation and regulation of

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L'équipe d'ORTHOPUS de dos avec des tee-shirts "HANDITECH SOLUTIONS FOR EVERYONE"

Our actions and commitment as a social entreprise

Social economy, human commitment, transparency and medical devices for everyone: where does it come from and what does it mean for ORTHOPUS? Let’s explore this topic! Why is ORTHOPUS taking part in the social economy ? Our main purpose is to bring solutions to the people living with a disability. That’s why we choose to develop innovative robotic assistive devices

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ORTHOPUS Supporter’s beta-test : tops and flops

Between December 2022 and spring 2023 we have conducted a beta test to test out our first device: the ORTHOPUS Supporter. 5 participants, between 14 and 35 years old, tested our robotic assistant at home. Our objective was to gather feedback about its usability in order to improve it for users’ daily needs. How did we organize it? What did

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