Our actions and commitment as a social entreprise
Social economy, human commitment, transparency and medical devices for everyone: where does it come from and what does it mean for ORTHOPUS? Let’s explore this
Social economy, human commitment, transparency and medical devices for everyone: where does it come from and what does it mean for ORTHOPUS? Let’s explore this
Between December 2022 and spring 2023 we have conducted a beta test to test out our first device: the ORTHOPUS Supporter. 5 participants, between 14
Customisation has for long been used in fashion or design, but it is still rare to have a custom option on a medical device. Yet,
Photograph David Constantine – coming from the WHO report The first Global report on assistive technology for disabilities was recently published by WHO and Unicef.
Have you heard of these devices? Have you ever wondered what they allow you to do, at work or in everyday life? Discover the benefits
Since the beginning of ORTHOPUS’ project, we have prioritized accessibility and users’ needs. A huge number of persons aren’t indeed equipped with the assistive technologies
Figures are relevant indicators to understand and measure health issues. In order to better estimate the needs of people with disabilities, we wanted to draw up an overview of key figures on this subject.
ORTHOPUS is working on the development of a motorised arm support for people with limited mobility: the AT1X. This arm support is the first stage of the ARMMS project, a range of assistive robotic and modular solutions.
ORTHOPUS is launching the design of adaptable and modular robotic solutions dedicated to wheelchair users with limited mobility
Co-founder of Aldebaran Robotics and designer of the NAO robot, David Gouaillier founded ORTHOPUS in the service of a meaningful economy