
Around 300 000 EUROPÉENS are living with muscular disease

At least 10 000 PEOPLE are affected by a spinal cord injury (paralysis) in Europe, each year

1 IN 5 WORKERS has muscular pain in the upper limb

Non-access to assistive technology worsen social exclusion, precarity, loss of autonomy, and disease progression.

ORTHOPUS provides innovative solutions to people living with a disability. We are developing a range of assistive robotic devices for arm mobility, customizable, affordable, for all stages of life.

At ORTHOPUS, we stand for:

  • Using high tech to serve the interests of people with disability’s
  • User-centered medical devices
  • Sharing knowledge to fight opacity in the medical field
  • Assistive devices’ accessibility (price, use, acceptability)


ORTHOPUS’ approach and strategy is based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations to answer global challenges, and recommendations of WHO’ health and disability reports:

World report on disability – 2011
Policy Brief : Access to assistive technology – 2021
Global report on assistive technology – 2022

We are using OMS’ guidelines to drive our work for accessibility and undertake actions regarding: policy, products, health professionals, provision, and users.

The Sustainable Development Goals we are comitted to:


We apply moderate margins to make our robotic solutions more affordable. ORTHOPUS’ devices will always be cheaper than their equivalents on the market. 


We openly communicate as much information as possible: price fixing, other brand’s devices on the market, financial support possibilities, etc. Our goal is to empower users and their relatives to be actors of their fitting process and to make their procedures easier. 


We are working with users (and their relatives) feedback at all development steps: technical specifications building, prototype testing, bêta-tests, daily-use feedbacks.


Since 2019, ORTHOPUS officially holds ESUS approval for his mission and social commitment: we are a social impact company. This French agreement is granted on the basis of specific criterias such as: social utility project, democratic governance involving the company’s stakeholders, controlled remuneration policy, reinvestment of the majority of profits in the operation of the company.


Doctor in robotics and motion specialist, David Gouaillier has co-created the humanoid robot NAO. In 2018 , he founded ORTHOPUS, a project at the crossroads between technology and solidarity.

“I created ORTHOPUS to invest my technological expertise in a solidarity project and shake things up in the healthcare system. Breakthroughs in the robotic field are a hope for people living with a motor disability.”


In Nantes

Prosthesis and robotic assistive devices

Market launch of mechanicals prosthesis, myoelectric prosthesis development, ORTHOPUS Supporter prototype’ development with ESEAN APF France Handicap


ORTHOPUS is focusing on robotic assistive devices

First user

Equipped full time with a first version of the ORTHOPUS Supporter

Market launch in France

Of the ORTHOPUS Supporter

Next steps

ORTHOPUS Partner and ORTHOPUS Explorer’ development, European expansion
September 2021
October 2021
March 2023
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